Hisui Sugiura: A Retrospective #5

Yamasa Shouyu (soy source) #2
Download Button  5600x3048 Yamasa Shouyu (soy source) #2 by Hisui Sugiura (circa 1920)
Yamasa Shouyu (soy source) #3
Download Button  5600x3172 Yamasa Shouyu (soy source) #3 by Hisui Sugiura (circa 1920)
Cormorant Fishing and Summer Pleasure at the Nagara River, Gifu Prefecture
Download Button  3960x5600 Cormorant Fishing and Summer Pleasure at the Nagara River, Gifu Prefecture by Hisui Sugiura (1929)
Shonan Railroad Starts its Service
Download Button  3708x5600 Shonan Railroad Starts its Service by Hisui Sugiura (circa 1930)
Two Hours by Sea to the Island of Sado
Download Button  4004x5600 Two Hours by Sea to the Island of Sado by Hisui Sugiura (1934)
Joint Exhibition Celebrating the 30th Year of Sugiura Hisui's Career as a Designer
Download Button  3676x5600 Joint Exhibition Celebrating the 30th Year of Sugiura Hisui's Career as a Designer by Hisui Sugiura (1936)
Handbill for the Meiji-Taisho Masterpieces Exhibition
Download Button  3184x5600 Handbill for the Meiji-Taisho Masterpieces Exhibition by Hisui Sugiura (1937)

Yamasa Shouyu (soy source) #2 by Hisui Sugiura

Download Button  5600x3048

Yamasa Shouyu (soy source) #3 by Hisui Sugiura

Download Button  5600x3172

Cormorant Fishing and Summer Pleasure at the Nagara River, Gifu Prefecture by Hisui Sugiura

Download Buttun  3960x5600

Shonan Railroad Starts its Service by Hisui Sugiura

Download Buttun  3708x5600

Two Hours by Sea to the Island of Sado by Hisui Sugiura

Download Buttun  4004x5600

Joint Exhibition Celebrating the 30th Year of Sugiura Hisui's Career as a Designer by Hisui Sugiura

Download Buttun  3676x5600

Handbill for the Meiji-Taisho Masterpieces Exhibition by Hisui Sugiura

Download Buttun  3184x5600