The Rococo Mirror
Download Button  4040x5600 The Rococo Mirror by John Singer Sargent (1898)
Mrs. Cazalet and Chiedren
Download Button  3636x5600 Mrs. Cazalet and Chiedren by John Singer Sargent (1900-01)
William Marshall Cazalet
Download Button  3652x5600 William Marshall Cazalet by John Singer Sargent (1902)
Ena and Betty Wertheimer
Download Button  3876x5600 Ena and Betty Wertheimer by John Singer Sargent (1901)
Sir Frank Swettenham
Download Button  3536x5600 Sir Frank Swettenham by John Singer Sargent (1904)
The Duchess of Sutherland
Download Button  4712x5600 The Duchess of Sutherland by John Singer Sargent (circa 1904)
Padre Sebastiano
Download Button  5600x4336 Padre Sebastiano by John Singer Sargent (circa 1904-06)

The Rococo Mirror by John Singer Sargent

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Mrs. Cazalet and Chiedren by John Singer Sargent

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William Marshall Cazalet by John Singer Sargent

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Ena and Betty Wertheimer by John Singer Sargent

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Sir Frank Swettenham by John Singer Sargent

Download Buttun  3536x5600

The Duchess of Sutherland by John Singer Sargent

Download Buttun  4712x5600

Padre Sebastiano by John Singer Sargent

Download Buttun  5600x4336