James Ensor Exhibition Catalogue 1983-84 #7

Pierrot and skeletons
Download Button  5600x4812 Pierrot and skeletons by James Ensor (1907)
Download Button  5600x4388 Dolls by James Ensor (1916)
The artist's mother in death
Download Button  4512x5600 The artist's mother in death by James Ensor (1915)
The red cabbage
Download Button  5600x4576 The red cabbage by James Ensor (1925)
Fruits and flowers
Download Button  4520x5600 Fruits and flowers by James Ensor (1935)
Interior with three portraits
Download Button  5600x4704 Interior with three portraits by James Ensor (1938)
Fascination of Christ
Download Button  5600x4464 Fascination of Christ by James Ensor (1913)

Pierrot and skeletons by James Ensor

Download Button  5600x4812

Dolls by James Ensor

Download Button  5600x4388

The artist's mother in death by James Ensor

Download Buttun  4512x5600

The red cabbage by James Ensor

Download Buttun  5600x4576

Fruits and flowers by James Ensor

Download Buttun  4520x5600

Interior with three portraits by James Ensor

Download Buttun  5600x4704

Fascination of Christ by James Ensor

Download Buttun  5600x4464