One Hundred Scenes of Kobe #5

Crowning of Miss Kobe
Download Button  5244x5600 Crowning of Miss Kobe by Kawanishi Hide
Flower Princesses
Download Button  5228x5600 Flower Princesses by Kawanishi Hide
Port Festival
Download Button  5172x5600 Port Festival by Kawanishi Hide
Fire Brigades' New Year's Parade
Download Button  5224x5600 Fire Brigades' New Year's Parade by Kawanishi Hide
Foreign Trading House (Crescent Building)
Download Button  5156x5600 Foreign Trading House (Crescent Building) by Kawanishi Hide
Kokusai Road
Download Button  5168x5600 Kokusai Road by Kawanishi Hide
Customs House
Download Button  5208x5600 Customs House by Kawanishi Hide

Crowning of Miss Kobe by Kawanishi Hide

Download Button  5244x5600

Flower Princesses by Kawanishi Hide

Download Button  5228x5600

Port Festival by Kawanishi Hide

Download Buttun  5172x5600

Fire Brigades' New Year's Parade by Kawanishi Hide

Download Buttun  5224x5600

Foreign Trading House (Crescent Building) by Kawanishi Hide

Download Buttun  5156x5600

Kokusai Road by Kawanishi Hide

Download Buttun  5168x5600

Customs House by Kawanishi Hide

Download Buttun  5208x5600