George Barbier Master of Art Deco #15

Cover (from Les Chansons de Bilitis)
Download Button  4800x3872 Cover (from Les Chansons de Bilitis) by George Barbier
Bucolic in Pamphylia (from Les Chansons de Bilitis)
Download Button  4648x5600 Bucolic in Pamphylia (from Les Chansons de Bilitis) by George Barbier
Frontispiece (from Les Chansons de Bilitis)
Download Button  4692x5600 Frontispiece (from Les Chansons de Bilitis) by George Barbier
Desire (from Les Chansons de Bilitis)
Download Button  2020x4800 Desire (from Les Chansons de Bilitis) by George Barbier
Cave of Nymphs (from Les Chansons de Bilitis)
Download Button  4836x5600 Cave of Nymphs (from Les Chansons de Bilitis) by George Barbier
Frontispiece (from Poèmes en Prose)
Download Button  5600x4360 Frontispiece (from Poèmes en Prose) by George Barbier
Illustration 1 (from Poèmes en Prose)
Download Button  5600x3260 Illustration 1 (from Poèmes en Prose) by George Barbier
Illustration 2 (from Poèmes en Prose)
Download Button  5600x5244 Illustration 2 (from Poèmes en Prose) by George Barbier

Cover (from Les Chansons de Bilitis) by George Barbier

Download Button  4800x3872

Bucolic in Pamphylia (from Les Chansons de Bilitis) by George Barbier

Download Button  4648x5600

Frontispiece (from Les Chansons de Bilitis) by George Barbier

Download Buttun  4692x5600

Desire (from Les Chansons de Bilitis) by George Barbier

Download Buttun  2020x4800

Cave of Nymphs (from Les Chansons de Bilitis) by George Barbier

Download Buttun  4836x5600

Frontispiece (from Poèmes en Prose) by George Barbier

Download Buttun  5600x4360

Illustration 1 (from Poèmes en Prose) by George Barbier

Download Buttun  5600x3260

Illustration 2 (from Poèmes en Prose) by George Barbier

Download Buttun  5600x5244