Georges Bigot: Il y a cent ans, un artiste Francais au Japon #5

Fishermen in straw raincoats (mino) collect their nets
Download Button  5600x3824 Fishermen in straw raincoats (mino) collect their nets by Georges Ferdinand Bigot
Kamo River Festival in Kyoto
Download Button  5600x3696 Kamo River Festival in Kyoto by Georges Ferdinand Bigot
Georges Bigot and his model in Kyoto. At the Yasaka pagoda.
Download Button  5600x4548 Georges Bigot and his model in Kyoto. At the Yasaka pagoda. by Georges Ferdinand Bigot
The philosopher Tokusuke Nakae, known as Chômin Nakae, July 1887.
Download Button  5600x5312 The philosopher Tokusuke Nakae, known as Chômin Nakae, July 1887. by Georges Ferdinand Bigot
Entrance to Chômin Nakae French School Nakae in Gobanchô, Tokyo. October 8, 1885
Download Button  5600x3948 Entrance to Chômin Nakae French School Nakae in Gobanchô, Tokyo. October 8, 1885 by Georges Ferdinand Bigot
Georges Bigot's house at Kaminibanchô n°13, Tokyo.
Download Button  5600x3912 Georges Bigot's house at Kaminibanchô n°13, Tokyo. by Georges Ferdinand Bigot
Japanese interior by Georges Bigot in Kami-nibanchô n°13, October 15.
Download Button  5600x3928 Japanese interior by Georges Bigot in Kami-nibanchô n°13, October 15. by Georges Ferdinand Bigot

Fishermen in straw raincoats (mino) collect their nets by Georges Ferdinand Bigot

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Kamo River Festival in Kyoto by Georges Ferdinand Bigot

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Georges Bigot and his model in Kyoto. At the Yasaka pagoda. by Georges Ferdinand Bigot

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The philosopher Tokusuke Nakae, known as Chômin Nakae, July 1887. by Georges Ferdinand Bigot

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Entrance to Chômin Nakae French School Nakae in Gobanchô, Tokyo. October 8, 1885 by Georges Ferdinand Bigot

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Georges Bigot's house at Kaminibanchô n°13, Tokyo. by Georges Ferdinand Bigot

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Japanese interior by Georges Bigot in Kami-nibanchô n°13, October 15. by Georges Ferdinand Bigot

Download Buttun  5600x3928